Exquisite, exquisite, exquisite. The sensory impressions I'm getting off this post are so strong that I can almost get the textures and smells and skin-feel of the environment. Thank you. x

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It's one of those memories, the kind that you can feel, all these decades later. Glad you enjoyed this piece. Thanks for reading :)

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this made me so emotional -- it is a beautiful story that I feel we have all had our own versions of and I so appreciate you bringing this up for us. in trying to remember the first time I met another queer person, unknowingly it was always my dad <3 knowingly(?) it would have been my fourth grade teacher, who I got an overwhelming amount of dread about seeing her every day and we never liked each other at all, which is such an interesting thing I am going to go and ponder now...

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Thanks for sharing this! I'm so curious about your teacher and what that must have been like, a secret that everyone knows but no one directly acknowledges, how we can be visible without being visible. You and your dad's story as well. It's crazy how much the internet changed everything for the queer community.

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I went to a religious school and there was this one teacher who wasn't like the rest - she wasn't married with kids. And the rumours went around and as a young religious school girl I never believed them because gossiping is a sin and also I took it as a bad thing she might be queer and we shouldn't bully her because gxd wouldn't like that either. UGH. So much has been learned and unlearned since then, and continues to be!

I really am enjoying this story unfold as I hear about your experiences and get to reflect on my own <3 Also just the way you tell a story is so beautiful and I am in the world with you. THANK YOU! xoxo

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deletedFeb 13, 2022Liked by Sean Horlor
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Omg this is a great story!! What was his name? It must have been quite the experience moving from New Waterford to Toronto and finding success as a designer. I can't believe he didn't give you a friends and family discount ;)

"It's Your Pet Juliette" https://youtu.be/DmvsrtDVlck - she sounds like a lot of fun too

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